Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fast on birthday? I mean why?

Now here’s Mr. Narendra Modi who raked my interest back into the page one. How can one shun the grandeur fast that he is undertaking from today onwards and that is so splendidly hyped by the media scribes? I simply couldn’t. Annaji must have been traumatized for the reason Modi is fasting. A fast for Communal harmony? That too on his birthday? What the heck?

I flipped through the pages of the newspaper and found Dr. Sarfaraz Baig’s “quick fix” that prescribes a 15 day diet process that would help you elude the taxing exercises to get your body in shape by the festive week. Under “the safest and easiest process” was the “Crash diet along with no exercises”. Was there any connection of this page 14 with that of page 1 news? Was it deliberate on the part of Times? Is the hefty man in the first page so very desperate to be reshaped before the pujas, (besides participating in the gimmick for the PM candidature)? I kept wondering!

Still a counter fast was very much missing on the Congress’s part that is blemished again and again by the incessant smacks of the CAG report. Now there he is… Mr. Baghela, right in front of the Gandhi Ashram (the trailblazer to the FASTer way), on the road (in stark contrast with the Modi’s abundance), who has already started a fast one hour before Modi. Yes, at an hour advantage! No, it’s not a level playing field. One is advertised much to the other. One is for brotherhood, the other is………………………….

well, not yet sure. But surely, not against corruption, not for harmony. It might be as Baghela said, Against Modi.

Nonetheless, it is cool. With the vegetable prices soaring sky high we might resort to this method and that too for an added advantage of reduction in the number of flabby abs! Festive or Fasting Season, huh?

Friday, September 16, 2011

Fancy days: Over? … Or they never existed?

The local weather condition has always been symbolic to my disposition. Today’s grumpy weather is persistently making my solitariness more intense, more unwanted. There is a vast shadow under the sky, drizzles now and often, thick sweat blanket under my collar… but the need to get up from the bed and switch the fan on seems a tedious, never ending task… and so renounced.

It was not necessarily be this way. It could have been luminous, it could have been hunky-dory another sunny day. It could have been a day that I am anticipating for days now. An ideal day for hang out with friends, exploring new ways of spending (read: wasting) money, basking under the glory of some giant screen movie hall, returning with the plan of going out on some shortly coming date, again, in mind, unperturbed by the hurly-burly snoring traffic.

A couple of years back all these were never planned. It came as an inherent urge just as the flow of the vital fluid in our veins. Never chalked out, never much thought for, never kept awaited… but once considered we all dove into action, at once, all together. We let its gush take its natural course with us seated comfortably at the rear seats. Days used to begin with no hint of its itinerary, but when they ended, we used to wonder the way it had conjured up all the surprises for us. Others envied us.

Now it seems magical… it gives me goose bumps summoning upon those days. Today I plan, I map, I go to sleep with the dream to catch up upon tomorrow’s magic again, with all the arrangements fully-proofed. But the next day before the magic commences, I get calls and texts that says “ not possible today…” and so is the magic show deterred to some days in the ‘future’. Our natural spree still works the same way… we claim. Then what is it that keeps us from…

Men are clever! Aren’t we?

You must have thought this at least once in your whole life. Is every girl a bitch? A female dog barks. Do they? Yes. A female dog bites. Do they? Yes. A female dog screws a male dog. Do they? Of course Yes. Sometimes knowingly (literally) sometimes unknowingly (spanning over a whole lifetime). Now let me rectify you what you must have started weaving by now, that here, there is one another spiteful, frustrated male soul, up to spewing venom against the ‘weaker’ sex, being dejected by his girlfriend. But it is not that. ‘Girlfriend’ is not only the person who can insinuate about the ill effects of having them in your life. It can also be your sister, your aunts, moms or simply girl-friends.

We ponder over our relationships with them hours after hours. But the moment you come across them, a convincing vibes from their stance takes you in and you inevitably starts believing that they have spent more time and energy over thinking about you, than what you did. And thus an invariable culpability ensues in your mind and you get perched upon an unsteady saddle, trying, all this while, to evade this particular situation. And all these happen much before her uttering a single word! With a ‘girlfriend’ around, (with whom you are suppose to feel blissfully delight all your life) things turn up really messy within three years (Max.) and oh-God-get-me-out-of-here situation when she appears to be your decade old cohort, your mother, your only permitted friend of the opposite sex, your puppet-master. We men ask for a partner and what we get a controller.

A girl-friend can be a pain in the back as well. With them you savour the taste of their shrill voice, their feminine attires, their delicate accompaniment, their child-like agility, their mature suggestions to the intricate social life of yours etc. and that too without you being required to be committed. Cheers! But they are not the red wines, you see. The more they grow old with you, the more they become insipid, the more grows their wants from you…but still they lack that vigor, that desperateness of a true ‘girlfriend’ and therefore less dangerous for you as they lack those 3 words of your mouth. But it is not that easy. We have our basic needs, biologically proven, scientifically accepted but still socially invalidated. These mere friends cozies up with us, play with us and in the game, when we take our part (letting our hormones to overpower us), we get trapped! And so their shrill voice, their feminine attires, their delicate accompaniment, their child-like agility, their mature suggestions all seems no less than a neurotoxin! All their cutely, cuddly stupidity and inability to handle simple things which my brothers in KGs will easily do are only shows to hoodwink us of our powers and we never understood what we are living with is a myth of authority over them. Let them come nearer and you will see who the real master is. Don’t we people look at our parents! Oh yes we do. But we tend to persuade ourselves that it’s gonna be entirely different in our case.

Oh fine! That’s what it has been and is going to be. Well all we do is not for us. It’s for the nature cause. Are we so dumb not to see the upshot after all these stories of frustrated souls in movies, songs, poems, blogs etc. no we are not. It’s all a sacrifice, a part of our bigger heart, as you see for the ‘Legitimacy Of Procreation’.

P.S: me and my girlfriend are still happily knotted!... oh yes we are.